
N.B Fee Increases will be implemented 31 August 2023.

The Full Cost of Certification (Applies to all standards)

The full cost of certification under the Sovereign Certification scheme is £318.00 (plus VAT where applicable) with an annual renewal fee of £72.00 (plus VAT where applicable). The details below define how the costs are distributed.

As standard we issue electronic PDF copies of certificates but a hardcopy can be provided at a cost of £15.00 (plus VAT)

Cost Breakdown

Application Fee

An application fee of £126.00 (plus VAT where applicable) is required for each scheme / standard so that we can issue a model manual for amendment. Registered clients may request information by email whilst developing their quality manual and receive advice as required.

Assessment Fee

An assessment fee of £192.00 (plus VAT where applicable) is required (for each scheme) so that we can proceed to assess and report on your submission and deal with any corrective actions that are required. We will issue a Declaration of Conformance form for you to sign once the submission meets requirements.

Annual Renewal Fee

An annual renewal fee of £72.00 (plus VAT where applicable) is required so that we can process your Annual Conformance Review form and issue a renewed Certificate of Registration. All registered clients will receive on-going support in order to maintain their compliance with the relevant standard.